World of tanks modern armor 10 vs 10
World of tanks modern armor 10 vs 10

world of tanks modern armor 10 vs 10 world of tanks modern armor 10 vs 10

When it comes to the T-14 Armata, you'll find many aspects of itself are difficult to verify. To get an idea of what an engagement of an A-10 Warthog against a T-14 Armata might look like, we need to weigh the pros and cons of each vehicle, evaluate the tactics of their crews, and touch on some of the sketchier and more dubious assumptions made about both machines to dream up a scenario that at least makes logical sense. That makes the chances of a close encounter with an A-10 slightly more plausible. But even if Russia and NATO never wind up going to war, Russia's already marketing the T-14 Armata to foreign markets. The reason why is that both the A-10 and the T-14's abilities are so often subject to hyperbole and exaggeration. Wargamming is a disappointment compared to 7 years ago when they actually cared about their players.As it turns out, the answer is more complicated than you might think. The only reason my group still plays this game is because we're waiting for another free game that will allow us to game together. It's really sad cause this game used to be a lot of fun to play with people for free but now the devs have made it clear that they don't actually care if the none paying players are having fun. Now you can only run 3 people to a platoon because that's more "balanced". In addition, they took away the sense of community that could be developed by running 5 people in a platoon. After nerfing different tanks because they needed to be "balanced" it's comical that the devs think releasing a tank that is essentially invincible from the front is balanced. They now seem to only care about introducing premium tanks that are game breaking so that more people have to spend money in order to be able to win. The developers have abandoned the idea of balanced tanks when releasing new premium tanks (pay to win).

World of tanks modern armor 10 vs 10